Setting Up a PySpark Notebook using Docker: A Step-by-Step Guide
We will guide you through setting up a PySpark Jupyter Notebook using Docker. This tutorial is particularly useful for those of you keen on diving into the world of big data analytics using PySpark.
Hello readers! Today, we will guide you through setting up a PySpark Jupyter Notebook using Docker. This tutorial is particularly useful for those of you keen on diving into the world of big data analytics using PySpark.
Step 1: Pull the Docker Image
Start by pulling the jupyter/all-spark-notebook
image, which is packed with Spark 3.5.0.
docker pull jupyter/all-spark-notebook:spark-3.5.0
Step 2: Set Up Your Workspace
Before we run our Docker image, we need to set up a directory where our Spark data will be stored.
Create a directory named sparkdata
in your workspace. Remember, you'll need to adjust the path in the next step to match your system setup. In this directory you can store any CSV file.
We dropped the CSV file from (shared below for your convenience).
Step 3: Run the Docker Image
Now, let's run the Docker image and map our sparkdata
directory to the container.
Replace /Users/datasciencefm/workspace/sparkdata
with the path to your sparkdata
docker run -d -P --name notebook -v /Users/datasciencefm/workspace/sparkdata:/sparkdata jupyter/all-spark-notebook:spark-3.5.0
Step 4: Retrieve the Port Mapping
To access the Jupyter Notebook, we need to know which host port has been mapped to the container's port 8888
. Execute the following command:
docker port notebook 8888
For us, the output was
Step 5: Fetch the Notebook Token
For security reasons, Jupyter Notebooks are protected by tokens. Let's fetch this token:
docker logs --tail 3 notebook
Your output should resemble this URL:
Step 6: Access the Jupyter Notebook
Replace the default port in the URL with the one you identified in Step 4. In our case, the updated URL is:
Simply paste this URL into your browser to open your Jupyter Notebook.
Step 7: Dive into PySpark!
Now, it's time to get our hands dirty with PySpark. Start a new Python notebook and enter the following code:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Spark session & context
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
# Reading CSV file from /sparkdata folder
csv_path = "/sparkdata/googleplaystore_user_reviews.csv" # This will read any CSV file in the /sparkdata folder
df =, header=True, inferSchema=True) # Assuming the CSV has a header
# Show the DataFrame
# If you want to perform any action on DataFrame
# For instance, to get the count of rows:
print("Number of rows:", df.count())
This will initialize a Spark session, read a CSV file from the /sparkdata
directory, and display its contents.

Extract top keywords from the reviews column
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, explode, lower, col
from import StopWordsRemover
from collections import Counter
# Tokenize the reviews
df_words = df.withColumn("word", explode(split(lower(col("Translated_Review")), "\\W+")))
# Remove stop words
stop_words = set(StopWordsRemover.loadDefaultStopWords("english")) # Default English stop words
df_filtered = df_words.filter(~df_words.word.isin(stop_words))
# Count word frequency
word_frequency = df_filtered.groupBy("word").count().orderBy(col("count").desc())
# Display the top keywords
# If you want to get the results in Python
keywords_list = row: (row.word, row.count)).collect()

Extract top bi-grams and tri-grams from the reviews column
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, col, explode, lower, when
from import NGram, StopWordsRemover
# Replace null values in the Translated_Review column with an empty string
df = df.withColumn("Translated_Review", when(col("Translated_Review").isNull(), "").otherwise(col("Translated_Review")))
# Tokenize the reviews
df_tokenized = df.withColumn("words", split(lower(col("Translated_Review")), "\\W+"))
# Remove stop words
stop_words = StopWordsRemover.loadDefaultStopWords("english")
remover = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="words", outputCol="filtered_words", stopWords=stop_words)
df_filtered = remover.transform(df_tokenized)
# Generate bi-grams
bigram = NGram(n=2, inputCol="filtered_words", outputCol="bigrams")
df_bigrams = bigram.transform(df_filtered)
# Generate tri-grams
trigram = NGram(n=3, inputCol="filtered_words", outputCol="trigrams")
df_trigrams = trigram.transform(df_bigrams)
# Count bi-gram frequency
bigram_freq = df_bigrams.withColumn("bigram", explode(col("bigrams"))) \
.groupBy("bigram").count() \
# Count tri-gram frequency
trigram_freq = df_trigrams.withColumn("trigram", explode(col("trigrams"))) \
.groupBy("trigram").count() \
# Display results

Finding similar words using Word2Vec algorithm
from import Word2Vec, Tokenizer
from pyspark.sql.functions import when
# Handle null values
df = df.withColumn("Translated_Review", when(col("Translated_Review").isNull(), "").otherwise(col("Translated_Review")))
# Tokenization
tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="Translated_Review", outputCol="words")
df_words = tokenizer.transform(df)
# Apply Word2Vec
word2Vec = Word2Vec(vectorSize=100, minCount=0, inputCol="words", outputCol="features")
model =
df_vectors = model.transform(df_words)
input_word = "good" # replace 'good' with your desired word
num_synonyms = 10 # number of similar words you want to fetch
# Find synonyms using the trained Word2Vec model
synonyms = model.findSynonyms(input_word, num_synonyms)

Access Our Spark Cluster
Interested in enhancing your data engineering skills? Apply now to gain access to our Spark cluster:
- Hands-on Learning: Experience the power of learning on an actual Spark cluster.
- End-to-End Workflows: Build and test complete data processing workflows.
- Jupyter Notebooks: Use Jupyter Notebooks to write and test your PySpark and SparkSQL code.
- Curriculum Access: From beginner to advanced, follow a structured curriculum to solve complex problems.
- Industry Datasets: Work with datasets like Movie Lens for recommender systems and Common Crawl for NLP tasks. And many more datasets available.
Congratulations! You've successfully set up a PySpark environment using Docker and executed your first few PySpark commands in a Jupyter Notebook.
The world of big data analytics is vast and offers numerous exciting challenges.
With the tools you've set up today, you're well-equipped to tackle them head-on.
Dive in, explore, and don't hesitate to experiment with your data using PySpark.
Happy data analyzing!