Crafting Real-World Like Data For E-Commerce Domain Databases Creating authentic e-commerce data involving data generation, behavioral simulation and schema design for accurate analysis and the process refinement.
SQL Exercises with Google Play Store Data - all in your own Docker Container Have you ever wanted to learn SQL or enhance your SQL skills with real-world data? Today, we'll guide you through a journey where you can run SQL exercises on genuine Google Play Store data. The best part? All this will be encapsulated within a Docker container.
Setup Your own Postgres Database and Analytics Playground Learn how to analyze play store apps data in Postgres by running your own Analytics playground with Docker
Playstore Apps Data Analysis with SQL (free SQL ebook included) Set up your own Postgres database and Analytics playground. Learn end-to-end SQL Analytics with our 30+ questions on the Playstore apps dataset.
Postgres text similarity with commoncrawl domains Commoncrawl [] is a public repository of web crawl data made available for analysis. In this post I want to extract the list of domains crawled, stick them into a Postgres database and play with text similarity functions provided by pg_similarity extension. The basic steps to be
Learn SQL in a browser with PostgreSQL and pgweb PostgreSQL is a very versatile database. If you want to learn SQL, then a quick way to start is to 1) grab some data you want to analyze 2) insert into a PostgreSQL table and 3) use a SQL client such as pgweb and get started analyzing data. You can