What's new in Python 3.10? and more updates this week

Posted every Monday and Friday, this newsletter offers an efficient way to stay on top of Data Science news, events, and more.

What's new in Python 3.10? and more updates this week
Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash


Curious to know what is new in the data world? This newsletter keeps you updated by providing brief bits of articles, top news, and trending tweets. Posted every Monday and Friday, Data Newsletter is a way to stay informed in the field of data.


  • The First rule of Machine Learning is to start without Machine Learning
    It is always tempting to jump on the ‘trend’ train run by various LinkedIn Influencers, and the hype around Machine Learning nowadays surely makes it sound like one of those trains. So, where do we get this idea of implementing a machine learning model on the data directly? I think this stems from the fact that applying a machine learning model seems to sell the complexity of a particular problem.
  • Can you get paid for Data Scraping?
    “People out there are looking for jobs in the Data Science field but do we really need jobs if we have the right skill set?” A brief introduction to the open-source framework ‘Scrapy’ and its various applications. Who needs this web scraping service? Who are the pro players in the market in this arena?
  • GitHub: Introduces code review controls
    GitHub has added code review restrictions and improved mobile notifications for users of its popular Git-based version control system and code-sharing site. To address the same problems in the GitHub mobile app, users now can easily close the spammy issue and block the requester from an organization right from the developer’s smartphone. This is one of the few updates announced by GitHub at its Universe 2021 conference. Others include updates in GitHub Discussions and the addition of GitHub sponsor allowing companies to sponsor the projects.
  • Most Interesting AI Breakthrough in October 2021 by DeepMind
    Short-term weather predictions called Precipitation Nowcasting may now improve because of the Generative Model released by DeepMind. This deep generative model of radar is able to outperform widely used nowcasting methods in 89% of the cases in terms of accuracy and usefulness using systematic evaluation by more than 50 expert meteorologists!


  • Gartner: Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022
    Data Fabric, Generative AI, AI Engineering are among the top 12 technology trends for 2022 that are critical to Business identified by Gartner. These 12 trends are expected to enable the delivery of growth, efficiency, and digitalization. The importance of these trends lies in “reducing data management efforts by up to 70%” and much more.
  • Ultimate Tableau Dashboard Showdown: Iron Viz 2021
    World’s largest data visualization competition, Iron Viz chose three finalists from hundreds of participants. These finalists battled virtually to create their unique stories from the same data at the annual Tableau Conference 2021. “Chartmetric provided a deep data set, global in scope, of nearly 200 million records spanning several years.” Final contenders Pradeep Kumar G, Lisa Trescott, and Samuel Parsons created compelling visualizations in 20 nail-biting minutes in front of a worldwide audience. Who won?
  • Python 3.10 is here! What’s new in it?
    Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by both developers and data scientists. According to a statistic, more than 8.2 million people are now active python users despite the never-ending Python v/s R debate. With every iteration of python, new updates are added to make programming more approachable and efficient for both new and old users of the language.



Information about the world-changing AI breakthrough by DeepMind to the newest version of Python to some informative tweets, this newsletter presented a blend of updates in a brief manner.

For more such content, stay tuned for the next issue this Monday!