BigBanyanTree: Enriching WARC Data With IP Information from MaxMind

You can gain a lot of insights by enriching CommonCrawl WARC files with geolocation data from MaxMind. Learn how to do that using Apache Spark!

BigBanyanTree: Enriching WARC Data With IP Information from MaxMind
Photo by Kyle Glenn / Unsplash

The vast web data CommonCrawl collects offers researchers and developers a treasure trove of information. However, raw WARC files lack context about the geographic origins of this data. Enter MaxMind's IP geolocation databases – a powerful tool for enriching CommonCrawl data with valuable location insights.

This post shows how IPs from CC WARC files can be enriched using MaxMind's database.

But before we get to that, I implore you to understand more about WARC files:

Geolocation Info Using Maxmind

In our datasets, we use the free GeoLite2 City database from MaxMind. The GeoLite2 database has geolocation information about IPs such as latitude, longitude, postal code, country, city, etc. This is especially valuable for companies and services looking to personalize user experiences, thwart attackers, and many other use cases.

Let's first look at how to use the database before we explore how we used it to enrich CC data. To download the database:

  • Create an account (completely free) on MaxMind.
  • Download the GeoLite2 City GZIP file and extract (link)
GeoLite2 Database download page

We'll be using an open-source library by MaxMind to query their .mmdb database.

pip install geoip2

Here's a usage example:

import geoip2.database

with geoip2.database.Reader('/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb') as reader:
# or `reader = geoip2.database.Reader('/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb')`

    response ='')
    # 'US'
    # 'Minneapolis'
    # '55455'

Make sure to reuse the reader object wherever possible since its creation is (computationally) expensive.

Enriching WARC with Geolocation Information

The motivation for this exercise is to find the geographical distribution of servers from the response records in the WARC files. We do all the processing on our Spark cluster.

I'll first list out the imports and we can then connect to the Spark Master.

import os
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
from functools import lru_cache

import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row
from pyspark.sql.types import (
from warcio import ArchiveIterator
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("maxmind-warc") \
    .master("spark://spark-master:7077") \

Now, I'll walk you through our code in a non-sequential manner. You can get the full script at the end.

Extracting IP, URL, and Server from WARC

To extract the desired fields from the WARC files we'll use the warcio library.

First, put the path of the WARC file(s) to process in a text file, say, input.txt.

data_files = spark.sparkContext.textFile("path/to/input.txt")

If there is more than one WARC file path in the .txt file, then Spark creates multiple partitions out of them. We can map a function to these partitions to process them in parallel.

Let's define the functions and the mapping code.

def process_record(record):
    """Return tuple containing ip, url if record is of response type"""
    if record.rec_type == "response":
        ip = record.rec_headers.get_header("WARC-IP-Address", "-")
        url = record.rec_headers.get_header("WARC-Target-URI", "-")
        server = record.http_headers.get_header("Server")
        return (ip, url, server)
    return None
def process_warc(filepath):
    """Read WARC file and yield processed records"""
    with open(filepath, 'rb') as stream:
        for record in ArchiveIterator(stream):
            result = process_record(record)
            if result:
                yield result
def proc_wrapper(_id, iterator):
    """Wrapper function for `process_warc` to handle multiple `warc` files"""
    for filepath in iterator:
        for res in process_warc(filepath):
            yield res
output = data_files.mapPartitionsWithIndex(proc_wrapper)

Here's a breakdown of what is happening here:

  • proc_wrapper is applied to every partition. Each partition (created from the .txt file) may contain multiple WARC file paths. So, the proc_wrapper function is designed to handle multiple WARC files.
  • process_warc is applied to every WARC file path. In this function, each record in the WARC file is iterated over and is passed to process_record.
  • process_record extracts the record's IP, URL (or hostname), and server fields. The extraction is skipped if the record is not of "response" type.

output contains the RDDs obtained from this processing. We then create a Spark dataframe from this.

warciphost_df = spark.createDataFrame(output, schema=output_schema)
|             ip|            hostname|
only showing top 20 rows

Adding Geolocation Information

We will use PandasUDF to get geolocation information on the IPs from the MaxMind database.

Pandas UDFs differ from normal Python UDFs in that they use Apache Arrow to transfer data and Pandas to work with the data, allowing vectorized operations (batched processing). In our case, we observed that each batch had 1000 rows.

Similar to a Python UDF, we must define the return datatype here and pass it to the UDF decorator.

But before we do that though, there's a small gotcha here. Any object used in a UDF has to be serializable since the functions are sent over the network as byte streams to be processed on worker nodes. Read more about this problem and how I solved it here:

Serializability in Spark: Using Non-Serializable Objects in Spark Transformations
Discover strategies to effectively harness Spark’s distributed computing power when working with third-party or custom library objects that aren’t serializable.
ip_info_schema = StructType([
    StructField("year", StringType()),
    StructField("postal_code", StringType(), True),
    StructField("latitude", FloatType(), True),
    StructField("longitude", FloatType(), True),
    StructField("accuracy_radius", IntegerType(), True),
    StructField("continent_code", StringType(), True),
    StructField("continent_name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("country_iso_code", StringType(), True),
    StructField("country_name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("subdivision_iso_code", StringType(), True),
    StructField("subdivision_name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("city_name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("metro_code", IntegerType(), True),
    StructField("time_zone", StringType(), True),

def get_ip_info(ips: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Get reader, query MMDB for info about each IP from a batch of IPs, and return a DataFrame.
    The reader object is created lazily, once per executor.
    Have a look at `SerializableReader` in the `ip_utils` module for more details.
    result = []
    reader = reader_broadcast.value.get_reader()

    for ip in ips:
            response =
                response.postal.code if response else None,
                response.location.latitude if response else None,
                response.location.longitude if response else None,
                response.location.accuracy_radius if response else None,
                response.continent.code if response else None,
       if response else None,
       if response else None,
       if response else None,
                response.subdivisions[0].iso_code if response and response.subdivisions else None,
                response.subdivisions[0].name if response and response.subdivisions else None,
       if response else None,
                response.location.metro_code if response else None,
                response.location.time_zone if response else None,
        except Exception as e:
            result.append( (args.year, ) + (None,) * (len(ip_info_schema) - 1) )

    return pd.DataFrame(result, columns=ip_info_schema.names)

Here, we have try except to catch exceptions thrown by the MaxMind reader when the IP is not in the database. In such cases, we use None values. We now apply the UDF to the ip column and drop columns where all values are NULL, just in case.

result_df = warciphost_df.withColumn("ip_info", get_ip_info("ip"))
final_df ="ip", "host", "server", "ip_info.*").dropna("all")

Getting The Final Dataset Ready

Before we save the final dataset we must first deduplicate the ip column, because there is no use in having redundant information about the same IPs in different rows.

final_df = final_df.dropDuplicates(["ip"])

This dataset's utility is realized when it is combined with other datasets to analyze, say, geographical distributions. So, this step makes sense.

final_df.write.option("delimiter", "\t").mode("append").csv(args.output_dir, header=True)
An interesting thing to note here is that the MaxMind database we are using here was released on 9th Sept. 2024, while the response records in the WARC files are from the respective years for CommonCrawl data from different years. This means that the enriched geolocation information may not be entirely accurate.

IPs usually stay in an approximate range for a given region. However, while this is largely true, the inaccuracies can vary depending on the specific IP address and the year in question.

And we have successfully finished the processing! (there's a slight problem with the viewer for the 2024 data, so the 2023 one is linked which was processed identically)

Dataset Statistics

Here are some statistics of the 2024 processed dataset and the code to get that.

from datasets import load_dataset
import as px

ds = load_dataset("big-banyan-tree/BBT_CommonCrawl_2024", data_dir="ipmaxmind", split="train")
df = ds.to_pandas()

def plot(x, y, x_label, y_label, title, filename):
    fig =
        labels={'x': x_label, 'y': y_label},
    fig.write_html(filename, include_plotlyjs="cdn")

server_counts = df.server.value_counts().head(20).sort_values(ascending=True)
continent_counts = df.continent_name.value_counts().head(20).sort_values(ascending=True)
country_counts = df.country_name.value_counts().head(20).sort_values(ascending=True)
city_counts = df.city_name.value_counts().head(20).sort_values(ascending=True)
tz_counts = df.time_zone.value_counts().head(20).sort_values(ascending=True)

plot(server_counts.values, server_counts.index, "Count", "Server Name", "Server Distribution", "server.html")
plot(continent_counts.values, continent_counts.index, "Count", "Continent", "Continent Distribution", "continent.html")
plot(country_counts.values, country_counts.index, "Count", "Country", "Country Distribution", "country.html")
plot(city_counts.values, city_counts.index, "Count", "City", "City Distribution", "city.html")
plot(tz_counts.values, tz_counts.index, "Count", "Time Zone", "Time Zone Distribution", "tz.html")
| server                     | count  |
| nginx                      | 2379650|
| Apache                     | 2105227|
| cloudflare                 | 1941761|
| LiteSpeed                  | 765267 |
| Microsoft-IIS/10.0         | 269993 |
| Apache/2                   | 120154 |
| nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)      | 117892 |
| imunify360-webshield/1.21  | 115325 |
| openresty                  | 70911  |
| Microsoft-IIS/8.5          | 70556  |
| Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)     | 69965  |
| Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)     | 56484  |
| nginx/1.26.1               | 46348  |
| nginx/1.18.0               | 46221  |
| nginx/1.20.1               | 45859  |
| hcdn                       | 45254  |
| Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)     | 41560  |
| nginx/1.20.2               | 37256  |
| Apache/2.4.61 (Debian)     | 35335  |
| nginx/1.22.1               | 35200  |
| continent_name|  count  |
|        Europe | 3907314 |
|  North America| 2646862 |
|           Asia| 1711273 |
|  South America|  149402 |
|       Oceania |   99248 |
|        Africa |   68499 |
|    Antarctica |      44 |
|   country_name  | count  |
|  United States  | 2471071|
|      Germany    |  910572|
|       Japan     |  498887|
|      France     |  449864|
|      Russia     |  421970|
| The Netherlands |  306281|
| United Kingdom  |  297906|
|      China      |  252008|
|      Spain      |  184307|
|      Poland     |  183888|
|      Italy      |  179894|
|    Hong Kong    |  165981|
|     Canada      |  158265|
|   Singapore     |  139859|
|      India      |  114508|
|     Czechia     |  104704|
|     Brazil      |   96550|
|    Vietnam      |   95691|
|    Australia    |   89561|
|   South Korea   |   89140|
|          city_name | count  |
|            Ashburn | 348306 |
|        Falkenstein | 213626 |
|          Nuremberg | 146750 |
|          Singapore | 121194 |
|  Frankfurt am Main | 110932 |
|       Los Angeles  | 106062 |
|         Amsterdam  |  97108 |
|              Tokyo |  95188 |
|     St Petersburg  |  92301 |
|           Phoenix  |  83441 |
|         Hong Kong  |  79250 |
|            Dublin  |  78131 |
|            Moscow  |  70383 |
|            London  |  67828 |
|           Helsinki |  65886 |
|            Mumbai  |  64397 |
|             Paris  |  63548 |
|        Strasbourg  |  60291 |
|            Arezzo  |  50888 |
|          Boardman  |  49125 |
| time_zone             | count   |
| America/Chicago       | 1249152 |
| Europe/Berlin         |  910572 |
| America/New_York      |  728243 |
| Asia/Tokyo            |  498887 |
| Europe/Paris          |  449864 |
| Europe/Moscow         |  413199 |
| America/Los_Angeles   |  366192 |
| Europe/Amsterdam      |  306281 |
| Europe/London         |  297906 |
| Asia/Shanghai         |  252008 |
| Europe/Warsaw         |  183888 |
| Europe/Madrid         |  183483 |
| Europe/Rome           |  179894 |
| Asia/Hong_Kong        |  165981 |
| America/Toronto       |  145653 |
| Asia/Singapore        |  139859 |
| Asia/Kolkata          |  114508 |
| Asia/Bangkok          |  113994 |
| Europe/Prague         |  104704 |
| America/Phoenix       |   94997 |
This information was obtained from approximately 1% (900 WARC files) of the 2024-33 CommonCrawl dump, so these distributions may not represent the entire data dump.

Open Sourcing our Dataset

The dataset used in this analysis is fully open-sourced by us and is available on HuggingFace 🤗 for download. We encourage you to tinker with the dataset and can't wait to see what you build with it!

big-banyan-tree (Big Banyan Tree)
Org profile for Big Banyan Tree on Hugging Face, the AI community building the future.

Our dataset has two parts (separated as directories on HF):

  • ipmaxmind_out
  • script_extraction_out

"ipmaxmind_out", as you saw in this blog, has IPs from response records of the WARC files enriched with information from MaxMind's database.

"script_extraction_out" has IP, server among other columns, and the src attributes of the HTML content in the WARC response records. Visit the datasets' HuggingFace repositories for more information.